Raising puppies

Magical moments...

There we are - with a litter of puppies. About 55 days earlier when my little daughter went outside forgetting about the dogs being kept separated.... her busy Mom all the sudden hearing a voice calling loudly: “Mommy, Mommy come quick! I can’t get Buddy (our male) off!”…I immediately knew what had happened…yep. And so it was. Two …well…not so happy dogs hanging together. About 3 weeks later following with signs of evidence…slimy discharge out of vagina…and a calmer and calmer female. Her milk line being swollen almost right from the beginning I knew what was coming pretty soon. As we have the time, experience and knowledge of the parents and grandparents of those little growing fellows we decided to let her have them. Surrounded by very experienced breeders we were happy to welcome our new ones.
We’ve had everything set. Went to get some groceries etc. and came back to the first tiny puppies she had all delivered by herself – one week too early!! We were able to be there for the rest though....
This is one just being born...amniotic sac still intact. Funny (the Mom) did immediately bite it open, eat the rest and lick, lick, lick...the tiny wet fellow.

This is how she looked like right after being out of the amniotic sac...still wet. But her Mom took great care of her babies and did all by herself - like nature intended. It was very magical.

Feeding time! Four tiny living beings sucking ;)...can you find them?

Massaging and licking her babies was "Mommy's" job ;). For a few weeks they only pee and poop if Mom licks them...dog Mom...not me ;). Also, I did it, too sometimes when Mom was too tired or taking care of the smallest one.

You can see the umbilical cord still.

Our smallest one that almost didn't make it - she was simply too weak to suck being born so early.

 There she is while I feed her...every 1/2 - 2 hours through day and night. I slept next to them during that time - also to make sure they don't get smashed from their Mom...which happens quite often. After giving her raw goat's milk she started to drink! The time and effort was worth every bit of it...she made it!! She truly is a fighter as she didn't want to give up! A week later she started sucking milk from her Mom again and all went great from then. :) We named her "Fee" (fairy).

Her little brother "Ben"...sleeping as almost always at that time.


You can see how tiny she really is on this pic...this is my hand.

There are "Leila", "Ben" and "Fee"...sleeping...


When they are excited (like milk shooting in)...their tails all go up like that and they shake like crazy...sooo funny :)

Well, and since eating is sooo exhausting...get ready to sleep again.. :)

Here, they were about 2 weeks old and opened their eyes :)... And Mom tries to diszipline them already.

"I can see!" :)

Oh, how amazing this world is...

Finally, she can see, too! A few days later than the others.

Leila loooves to sleep under the cover ;)...She always crawled there.
At around 3 weeks their ears opened. From then on they are more and more on the go...climbing in and out of their box.... :). Thus, they pee and poop outside their box - natural potty training program kicked in ;)...

Now at about 4 weeks old they can reach the milk bar sitting... The older ones are very big - as they drank milk twice or three times as once...they sucked their poor Mom out...from teat to teat. Compared to other puppies they were BIG.

Still...sleep is best - especially on top of Mommy. :)

Look at those new soft clean baby paws... *sigh*

They are loved, cuddled, held,...growing up with children :)...

Sleeping together is best.

"I want to eat not drink...I eat...the bowl!" :)

"Look, how I sleep...and I just crash down wherever I just walked, played or even ate..." *clonk* - flat as a pancake...


"Hi Mom! Smell me, smell me, smell meeee - what did I have??" :)
At around 5 weeks we added goat's milk...and then slowly meat, fruits and veggies. They do get "barfed"...fed raw foods.


Can you imagine - sooo many different sleeping positions...

"Mommy, come oooooonnnn! I want to play with you!"

And again...crash right on the way to the toilet ;)...

At about 5 weeks they've had their first outdoor playtime. First a little unsure...but soon huffing and puffing :)...nothing safe anymore. But hey, even there sleep comes over them like a night after the day.

"Fee" had to look closer what was going on down there.

6 weeks old "Leila" - the beauty with curly hair :). She is just like her Mom.

"Fee" doesn't have to hide neither. She is a sweetheart everybody wants to have. All of them are very friendly and mind their pack leader :). Rules are important - even at this age.

How else could it be - they all loooove to cuddle :).

And non of them eats the kids up or perforates them! They do respect and trust. (That's where experience comes it...) How wonderful!!

Crate training is part of the program - although I was sceptical when I first introduced a box to my dogs about 6 years ago...I now know I will train every dog that way - it's totally worth it. And they love it!!

Here they are! Ready to explore the world outside the yard. And yes, they get potty-trained right away.

They do mind their limits as you can see here. They are not allowed in the kitchen. If they test they are reminded ;).

"Ben" is the biggest but still very cute...he holds on to you like a human baby when we carry him outside to go pee.

Getting used to driving in the car at around 9 weeks...now no problem anymore. They did wine a little first time. But by ignoring them and praising when quiet und calm they got it quickly.

This is how a "milk dog" looks like ;)... She won't let them drink any more though. They are starting to dissolve ;). I felt with her (having tandem-breastfed my two children).

There she is - "Leila" waiting for us during a small walk.

So much for our little journey together! We enjoyed that time very much and I am thankful for having (had) the opportunity to guide those wonderful beings! Hope you enjoyed it, too.

Updates as well as little videos are coming soon on the main page. So stay tuned.